Distinguished Faces of the Class
45th Reunion

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Gayle Peteresn Chamberlain Wayne Westberg Susie Williams Borowicz Tim Brown Barbara Martin Cooksey Nancy Johnston Byers John Weber Patti Carlson Calene Sherla Thompson Francis Michelle Connelly Arnold Maureen Snow Jackson Harold Stansberry Paul Randleman Larry Seale Tom Crowley Polly Thompson Crowley Rand Lewis John Hutchins Roger Watson Bob Ogletree Jerry Devine Harriot Hagedorn Mike Jessup Tom Taylor Bob Stephens Ray Schumacher LeNelle Martin McInturff Dick Nelson Wayne Marshall Barbara Boyd Gropp Linda Watts Newberry Bob Otness Donna Kindschy White Steve Talbott Sharon Thompson Granville-Martin Bonnie Martinson Brainard Allyn Woerman Denny Mulalley Pam Million Pauley Dave Tash Afton McDonald Patrick Dave Peck Louise Morton Brown Brian Ayers Kerby Cole Craig Fountain Connie Dahmen Sever Dave Kellogg Velda Marshall Carlson Mel Gray Judy Stube Donovan

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We think we've found pictures of all that were there.. Just like at the 40th, some may have been too light.. too dark.. too weird... but we used them anyway!

Top Row Wayne Westberg, Susie Williams Borowitz, Tim Brown, Barbara Martin Cooksey, Nancy Johnston Byers, John Weber, Patti Carlson Calene, Sherla Thompson Francis, Michelle Connelly Arnold, Maureen Snow Jackson, Harold Stansberry, Paul Randleman, Larry Seale
Second Row Tom Crowley, Polly Thompson Crowley, Rand Lewis, John Hutchins, Roger Watson, Bob Ogletree, Jerry Devine, Harriot Hagedorn, Mike Jessup, Tom Taylor, Bob Stephens, Ray Schumacher
Third Row LeNelle Martin McInturff, Dick Nelson, Wayne Marshall, Gayle Petersen Chamberlain, Barbara Boyde Gropp, Linda Watts Newberry, Bob Otness, Donna Kindschy White, Steve Talbott, Sharon Thompson Granville-Martin, Bonnie Martinson Brainard, Allyn Woerman, Denny Mulalley
Bottom Row Pam Million Pauley, Dave Tash, Afton McDonald Patrick, Dave Peck, Louise Morton Brown, Brian Ayers, Kerby Cole, Craig Fountain, Connie Dahmen Sever, Dave Kellogg, Velda Marshall Carlson, Mel Gray, Judy Stube Donovan
NOTE:  Thanks to those that have and will send along more pictures.

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