Moscow High School Class of 1965, Class Reunion committee features the photograph - Wildfowers On Paradise Ridge in Moscow Idaho
Photo - Wildflowers on Paradise Ridge by Alison Meyer
Bears... Old & New

The "Pandemic" scare should be behind us
now and we can have a great get together in 2025!

Note: Let the Committee know what you think... (Email)

Somehow in the last 50+ years we’ve traded our youth for wisdom and wrinkles; for the joy of children and grandchildren; and for the inner peace that comes with time and knowing oneself.

How did the years pass so quickly???

Our hearts are still 18

Is It Time To Update Your Page?
Do you have something you'd like to share with the class, photos, a new email or mailing address, phone number? We hope you'll use the Input Form or send your info to us via the email shown on the Input Form page.

Moscow High School Class of 1965

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The Moscow High School, Class of 1965 had a great 45th Reunion!

Soon, we hope to have photographs, slideshows, etc. on the Reunion Page.

Cheers.... Linda

CLICK HERECheck out this link! to see the faces of those that attended the 45th!

CLICK HERECheck out this link! to see the faces of those that attended the 40th!

We would still love to find ALL of the classmates.  Maybe, if we pass the word about this web site (, they'll find us.  (MISSING INFO).

Reflections from Moscow High School's 40th Class Reunion
View the Reunion Slide Shows

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MHS Class of 1965
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